Globalizing postsocialist urbanism
Chelcea L., Ferenčuhová S. and G. Bădescu (2021) “Globalizing postsocialist urbanism,” in Lancione M. and C. McFarlane (eds). Global Urbanism: Knowledge, Power and the City. Oxon and New York: Routledge, 71-79. ISBN 9780367745349

Slavomíra Ferenčuhová is the co-author of the chapter “Globalizing postsocialist urbanism” published in the book Global Urbanism by Michele Lancione and Colin McFarlane. The chapter argues that in the debates about the project of “global urbanism”, it is important to take into account knowledge from the research of the so-called post-socialist cities in Central and Eastern Europe. The chapter draws attention to three points which should be included in these discussions:
- the persisting specific materiality of cities in Central and Eastern Europe;
- the current means of referring to the era of State Socialism (and the question of why these references still keep emerging);
- the fact that even cities beyond the Eastern bloc still bear the traces of the Cold War which also formed them.